19 August, 2012

Return: #BlogElul 1

Forgive me blog readers, all two of you.  It's been--gulp--over two years since my last blog post.

I am taking Ima Bima up on her challenge to blog every day during the Hebrew month of Elul, and today's theme is "return."

For starters, I'm returning some attention to writing.

My oldest child returns to school tomorrow.  This summer household is about to be shell-shocked with a 6:30 am wake-up call.  Oh we have tried, valiantly, to get on a better schedule since we returned (there it is again) from the west coast a few weeks ago.  We have tried earlier bedtimes, earlier rising, melatonin, vigorous daytime activities like sweating at the park and daily swimming lessons, and making plans with friends to get us up and out of the house that only were kept about half of the time (sorry friends!).  But honestly after a fun-filled and scheduled summer, we all needed some unstructured time.   That ends abruptly in 12 short hours.

I look forward to exploring more thoughts but right now the baby has returned to alpha-wave consciousness after her nap, so away we go! 

1 comment:

Phyllis Sommer said...

I'm so glad you're joining in!